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Complete List of Challenge Submissions

Segmentation of Kidney and Renal Tumor in CT Scans Using Convolutional Networks

Yuan, Shaofeng
Yang, Feng
Tang, Yujiao
Xing, Yanyan
Zhang, Liyun

Accurate segmentation of kidney and renal tumor in CT images is a prerequisite step in surgery planning. However, this task remains a challenge. In this report, we use convolutional networks (ConvNet) to automatically segment kidney and renal tumor. Specifically, we adopt a 2D ConvNet to select a range of slices to be segmented in the inference phase for accelerating segmentation, while a 3D ConvNet is trained to segment regions of interest in the above narrow range. In localization phase, CT images from several publicly available datasets were used for learning localizer. This localizer aims to filter out slices impossible containing kidney and renal tumor, and it was fine-tuned from AlexNet pre-trained on ImageNet. In segmentation phase, a simple U-net with large patch size (160×160×80) was trained to delineate contours of kidney and renal tumor. In the 2019 MICCAI Kidney Tumor Segmentation (KiTS19) Challenge, 5-fold cross-validation was performed on the training set. 168 (80%) CT scans were used for training and remaining 42 (20%) cases were used for validation. The resulting average Dice similarity coefficients are 0.9662 and 0.7905 for kidney and renal tumor, respectively.

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Segmentation of kidney lesions with attention model based on Deeplab

Wen, AiQing
Chen, Xiaochuan
Chen, Anni
Shi, Hongyu
Hong, Yuming

We participate this challenge by developing a hierarchical framework. We build the model from two fully convolutional networks: (1) a simple Unet model to normalize the input iamges, (2) a segmentaion network which is an attention model based on Deeplab model. Two models are connected in tandem and trained end-to-end. To ensure a better results, we use the preprocess method proposed by nnUnet in our experiments.

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